Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (727) 998-1807

  • Services for Individuals

    In response to COVID-19, and for the comfort of some clients, we offer telehealth services. 

    We are currently not offering in-person services.

    Individual Therapy

    In individual therapy, you meet one-on-one with your psychologist for an in-depth conversation session for approximately 1 hour.

    Individual therapy sessions can be scheduled once a week, once every 2 weeks or once a month, depending on your preference, needs and/or availability.

    Support Groups

    Support groups offer emotional support to people who are going through or have gone through similar life experiences. 

    Support groups bring people together by providing opportunities to share personal experiences, feelings and coping strategies.

    Group Therapy

    In group therapy, 1 or more psychologists work with a group of 4 to 8 people at the same time. A group session is usually 1 hour long. 

    Group sessions are generally scheduled once a week and have a specific start and end date. Group members usually share a specific mental health concern.

    Services for Businesses

    We offer the following learning experiences for organizations that want to be successful in the contemporary world.

    Success Workshops

    Workshops are short custom-designed, educational and interactive programs delivered to a relatively small group of people (e.g. employees of a company). The duration of a workshop ranges from 3 hours to a full day.

    Success Workshops topics include: 

    - Stress Management & Burnout Prevention

    - Self-Care for Busy Professionals

    - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

    Support Groups at Medical Settings

    Support groups within health care settings can compliment medical services by improving patient outcomes and motivating patients to:

    • - Adhere to medication

    • - Engage in health-promoting behaviors

    • - Effectively manage pain

    Contact us if you want a personalized support group for your practice and/or your patients.

    Nuggets of Wisdom

    “Tending to our relationships is a form of self-care”

    Robert Waldinger

    “Choose to live and work in environments that enhance your well-being and your ability to grow.”

    Katherine Isaza

    “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase”

    Martin Luther King